The “natural” look
Permanent makeup on the eyebrows, hair-stroke method is created by drawing the hair-like strokes
with a semi-permanent make-up device. The technique of manually creating individual realistic hair
strokes that blend seamlessly with the natural existing eyebrows hairs to achieve a more full and
fluffy brow look.
Initial session $400
Initial touch up for existing clients within 6 weeks $150
Touch up for existing clients 3-6 months $200
Touch up for existing clients within 12 months $250
Touch up for existing clients after 1 year $300
Everything above 18 months is considered a new brows treatment.
Touch up brows from other artists is considered a new brows treatment.
Your initial touch up must be done within 6 weeks. If you fail to make the inital touch up additional
fee will be applied.
Additional touch up times vary depends on skin type to achieve desired results.
Do not drink alcohol 24 -48 hours before the procedure
Do not consume coffee or any caffeine before the procedure
Do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (this thin the blood)
Do not tan two weeks prior or have sunburned face/skin
Do not have Botox 3 weeks prior
Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E 24 hours prior (natural blood thinners)
Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days before the procedure
About 2 hours after the procedure, you should run a cotton swab dipped in sterilized water over
the area. This will get rid of any excess dye on your brows. It will also keep the area sterile.
It takes anywhere from 7 to 14 days for the skin to begin to appear healed and for the pigment to
fade to its intended shade.
Follow these steps to take care of your skin after hairstroke:
Don’t wear makeup for at least a week. This is because the pigments are still settling into the
shallow cuts in your skin caused by the procedure.
Don’t pick at scabs, tug, or itch the eyebrow area.
Avoid saunas, swimming, and excessive sweating until the area is completely healed and you have a
follow-up appointment.
Apply ointment with a cotton swab and spread it across the treated area. Be sure not to over-apply
as this will suffocate your skin and delay healing. The ointment should be barely noticeable on the
skin. Never put the ointment on a wet or damp tattoo.
After your skin is fully healed, applying a sunscreen to the area may help prevent fading.
For booking a $100 non-refundable deposit is required. If you cancel or reschedule, you will lose
your deposit.